I am interested in science and technology products that make the world more efficient and sustainable.
Differentiate real and counterfeit currency under an ultraviolet lump, a capability if you have fluorescent hydrogels.
Read this edition while waiting for your flight back to alma mater!
See the different ways hydrogels can contribute to soft robotics technology in this special feature.
Discover how hydrogels are helping scientists and doctors understand cancer cell behavior in this edition of the Hydrogels Newsletter.
Find out how agar (from seaweed) is used to make biocompatible optical fibers.
Check out three new research works that are pushing the boundaries in the biomedical space.
Learn more about how thermoresponsive hydrogels are potentially used to develop artificial muscles.
Hydrogels can be used for water purification via the hydrogel evaporator.
Learn how scientists make gels out of plant proteins into tasty foods.
Learn how hydrogels can repair the mucous barrier in the fight against Ulcerative Colitis.